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Anesthesia and helps break up fibrous adhesions around the joint and surrounding tissue. The patient’s reflexes and pain sensitivity are absent under anesthesia, so it’s easier to manipulate the joints using specific maneuvers. After the procedure, Vicki had to go right back into therapy to keep the joint flexing. This process helped, but she still wasn’t where she needed to be. To help understand what sort of movements Vicki had to do to decorate cakes, her doctors bought a cake and icing so she could show them what it was she wanted to get back to doing. Even after this, Vicki still wasn’t flexible enough to get back to work. Her doctors did an ultrasound so they could give her an injection around the nerves to her arm. Then she would have another round of manually manipulating the arm and more therapy. It was a long road of recovery. Even though she wasn’t to a place in recovery that she could go back to decorating cakes, Vicki went back to work after 13 weeks. Hy-Vee was patient and understanding. They wanted her back as much as she wanted to go back and they worked with her to make it possible. She went into the bookkeeping office for about a month. She was still working on her therapy and she used being in the office to help get her flexible enough to decorate cakes. During this time, Vicki ended up having to go into therapy here in Yankton for her shoulder as she was overworking it. She worked at her therapy and in the office until she could cut a credit card in half in the office. Cake decorating takes a lot of strength that most people wouldn’t think about. She needed a firm grasp and the strength to be able to squeeze the tubes of frosting throughout the day. The whole process took a while, and she’s still not 100% back to where she was before, but this is a job she loves so it was worth it. She’s glad to be back doing something creative. “It’s pretty amazing that this is my job.” Vicki is also grateful to Hy-Vee for being patient with her recovery and she is also grateful that her job is with Hy-Vee. Hy-Vee encourages her to experiment and practice. “If you see something somewhere that you want to try, they encourage it. It’s on the job training.” Vicki Bluum is inspirational in overcoming obstacles that life throws at you. She was thrown a curveball in life but she knew what she wanted and worked at being able to get back to it. Vicki shares this parting wisdom. “Don’t ever give up. No matter what it is. Go for what you want. Whatever it is!” vBy Brandi Bue s “A Onors” een oct S D e Th If you experience nasal congestion, difficulty Can’t Breathe? breathing, sleeping, or loss of taste and smell, you could be suffering from nasal polyps. We offer PolypVac, a FDA cleared, quick and convenient in-office procedure for removal of nasal polyps without invasive surgery. Visit www.entyankton.com to watch a video of the procedure recorded on “The Doctors” TV show and then call us at 665-0062 to schedule your evaluation. We’re H“ear” For You! EAR, NOSE & THROAT ASSOCIATES, P.C. 2525 Fox Run Parkway, Suite 101, Yankton 605-665-0062 • 1-866-665-0062 • www.entyankton.com David J. Abbott, M.D. Micah M. Likness, M.D. Board Certified Otolaryngologist Board Certified Otolaryngologist Jackie Logue, MSN, FNP-C, RN HERVOICEvSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017v19

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